Our adjudicators, chosen from the U.S. and Canada, are highly qualified both in their dance education and experience. Each routine will receive a score for:
- Performance (35%),
- Technique (45%),
- Choreography (10%),
- Costume (10%).
Our judges will be continually updated on the top scores to help maintain consistent scoring throughout the competition.
Each adjudicator will also act as a ‘Special Awards Judge’ throughout the weekend. This position enables them to award performances for qualities not necessarily reflected in the medal standings while interacting with the dancers from the session.

This year at This Is It the adjudicators’ comments will be collected by Video Judge. Each studio will receive a secure log in to Video Judge online as well as a copy of all of their performances on DVD with the adjudicators’ comments. For more information on Video Judge please visit www.videojudge.com.